What Comes Next…Wants or Needs?

The existential difference between wants and needs exists not as an absolute boundary but as a fluid spectrum shaped by individual perspective, cultural context, and temporal circumstances. Let's explore this concept in greater depth, to learn more about how the boundary between "wants" and "needs" is perpetually changing.
The existential difference between wants and needs

The existential difference between wants and needs exists not as an absolute boundary, but as a fluid spectrum shaped by individual perspective, cultural context, and temporal circumstances.

There is a tremendous difference between what you want, and what you need. 

And it is quite simple to misconstrue one for the other. 

As fundamental and salient as that may sound, the heart of the matter becomes ever more poignant in the context of exploring a divergent lesson about perception – that what you want something to be, is in actuality, completely different from what it actually is. 

Do not misconstrue my subsequent argument as admirably parsimonious. It is far from it. My goal here, today, is didactic. 

If I were to ask you, “what comes next?” – in what context would you take that question? Would it inspire an existential consideration of your trajectory through life? Or would it take on a more immediate construct of how you might conduct yourself, behaviorally, in the immediate future, say, for the next few hours, days, or weeks. That is the difference between wanting something to be, and what actually is – intention and desire can shape perspective. Perspective is the foundation upon which the world is navigated. It is the transformation of perspective from needing, to wanting, in which a most profound conundrum exists. 

The difference between wants and needs

The psychological mechanism behind this transformation deserves careful examination. When we deeply desire something, our minds are able to construct elaborate justifications for why that thing is not merely wanted, but needed. This process of rationalization can be observed in countless contexts, from the professional (“I need this new laptop to be productive”) to the personal (“I need this relationship to be happy”). The intensity of that underlying desire creates an emotional state that obfuscates the ability to distinguish between genuine necessity and strong preference.

This phenomenon becomes even more complex when considering the role of social context and cultural conditioning. In contemporary society, items that would have been unimaginable luxuries to our ancestors are now commonly perceived as needs. The smartphone serves as an ubiquitous example: humanity survived and accomplished astounding feats of engineering, cultural renaissance, and science for millennia without mobile communication devices; many today would argue that they “need” their phones to function, and to perform even the most basic of social tasks. This perceived need stems from the manner in which technology has become seamlessly interwoven with basic social and professional functions, illustrating how societal evolution can transform wants into functional needs.

Gen Z smartphone usage and the dangers of social media addiction

The relative nature of needs becomes even more apparent when we examine them across a spectrum of socioeconomic context. What constitutes a “need” for an individual, or group, in an affluent society with voluminous access to resources might be considered an unattainable luxury in a developing nation where basic resources such as water or clothing are scarce. This tangible disparity gives credence to profound questions concerning the objective versus subjective nature of needs. Are needs truly universal, or are they fundamentally relative to an individual’s circumstances and context? The answer seems to exist in the nebulous space, somewhere in between, suggesting a spectrum rather than a binary classification.

The philosophical implications of this question ultimately breach into the realm of ethics and social justice. Physiological absolutes aside, if needs are indeed relative, and shaped by context, what obligations do societies have to fulfill the expanded set of “needs” that are born of modernization and technological advancement? The “right” to internet access is a compelling example. In an unceremoniously digital world, can internet access be classified, alongside clean water, as a want or a need? The human body ceases to function without water, or food for that matter, and internet access has nothing to do with the function of the human body (although i’m sure my Gen Z neighbor would argue otherwise). The United Nations has declared internet access a fundamental human right, effectively elevating it from a luxury to a need, demonstrating how societal consensus can redefine the want-need boundary.

Technology and internet access in developing countries

This transformation of wants into needs has significant psychological implications for individual well-being. When an individual is successful in convincing themself they need something, when in practical context, they inherently want it, they are establishing an artificial dependency that can lead to unnecessary suffering. The Buddhist perspective on desire offers valuable insight here, suggesting that our attachment to perceived needs is itself a source of suffering. By recognizing the constructed nature of many of our “needs,” we might find greater peace and contentment.

This philosophical understanding must be balanced against the practical realities of human psychology. While we might intellectually recognize that many of our perceived needs are actually wants, the emotional and psychological impact of these desires remains inarguably palpable. A teenager, for example (or my Gen Z neighbor), might not objectively “need” the latest smartphone to physiologically or metabolically survive, but the social and psychological consequences of exclusion from peer group communication platforms can have genuine impacts on their well-being and emotional disposition. A recent PEW study examined this impact, ultimately suggesting that social exclusion (digitally) can have physical repercussions. Yale Medicine even released a guide for parents which explores the negative health effects (psychological and physiological) of excessive social media usage. 

The temporal dimension adds another layer of complexity to the nature of this divergent construct. The perception of needs versus wants can shift dramatically over time, both individually and collectively. What an individual or group defines as “luxury” can become a necessity through habituation and environmentally, economically, and socially evolving circumstances. The perpetual process of behavioral, technological, and cultural normalization raises questions about the nature of human adaptation, and the role it plays in casting a perceived understanding of necessity, in its most fundamental definition. 

The individual viewpoint, which is irrevocably influenced by personal experience, cultural background, and socioeconomic circumstances, acts as a lens through which individuals and groups interpret the necessity of various aspects, and objects, in their lives. This subjective “filter” often leads to what might be called “perspective-dependent needs” – things that become necessary only because of a particular way of seeing and understanding the world.

The existential difference between wants and needs exists not as an absolute boundary but as a fluid spectrum shaped by individual perspective, cultural context, and temporal circumstances. The understanding of this dynamic relationship can lead to more cogent individual choices and nuanced social policies that better serve the complex nature of human requirements. 

The key lies not in attempting to draw a rigid line between wants and needs, but in developing a more sophisticated understanding of how these concepts interact and evolve within the human experience.


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